This news was confirmed by her sons Chris Larkin and Toby Stevens, “She passed away peacefully in the hospital early this morning, Friday, September 27. She leaves two sons and five loving grandchildren who are devastated by the loss of their extraordinary mother and grandmother.”
Paying tribute to Smith’s talent, we share a selection of 7 great roles of the actress (of which, of course, she has many more, and everyone’s favorites are different):
The role of Shakespeare’s Desdemona. Smith’s partner on the set was Laurence Olivier.
Smith plays the rich and flighty Lady Isabel Ames in an eccentric comedy about an unserious clergyman.
Weird Aunt Lavinia, who has an unhealthy addiction to drama and meddles in her niece’s personal life.
Needing no introduction, austere and noble – Minerva McGonagall.
Judi Dench and Maggie Smith play two sisters who live on the Cornish coast in the 1930s and host a mysterious Polish stranger.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess is one of the key and most colorful characters in the iconic series. “Hope is a ruse designed to keep us from accepting reality,” she says in one of the episodes.
Ms. Shepherd. The story of an eccentric London old lady who persuaded a writer from Camden to let her park outside his house for a couple of months and stayed there for 15 years.
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