Katya Nikitina

Сооснователь и главный редактор ZIMA, сайта и печатного журнала. Профессиональный журналист и фотограф. Живу в Лондоне с 2009 года, и иногда кажется, что знаю тут всех. Но это ощущение обманчиво: Лондон непредсказуем и велик. Почти каждый день встречаю кого-то, кто может стать нашим героем. А если чаще выезжать за пределы Лондона и знакомиться с людьми в других городах и странах, то можно обо всех писать не останавливаясь. Чем мы тут, в общем, и занимаемся.

How former VTB deputy chairman Vadim Levin left bankers for photographers

On one of the sites on the Internet you can find classic black and white photographs: panoramic views of St.…

2 years ago

Olga Vysokova: From Bank to Breakfasts

Russian Gap has already written about the “Women Who Inspire” meetings held in London for Russian-speaking businesswomen and entrepreneurs. The…

8 years ago

The ‘Immortal Regiment’ in London

This year, the 'Immortal Regiment' took to the streets of London for the first time. The number of people attending…

8 years ago

Dr Kostas Papadopolous: Everything you need to know about dental care in Britain

British dental surgery can at times be a painful subject for Russians,who are not used to the NHS and its…

8 years ago

Zima is coming… Alexei Zimin’s bar in London

Now you really can find everything in London! Including pickled gherkins for two pounds, sauerkraut for three, or even a…

8 years ago

Secret Cinema. Tell no one!

Last spring, going to Secret Cinema for the first time, all I knew was that I had to dress in…

8 years ago

Khodorkovsky’s ‘Open Russia’ in London

The fact that the centre of Russia's cultural and social life is gradually shifting to London is no longer something…

8 years ago