Masha Slonim

Мария Филлимор-Слоним – известный журналист: еще до распада СССР она работала в Русской службе «Би-Би-Си», позднее – на российском телевидении и радио. Внучка наркома иностранных дел СССР Максима Литвинова и английской писательницы Айви Лоу, вдова лорда Роберта Филлимора.

No farmers – no future? Masha Slonim’s column

Although the inheritance tax that heirs would have to pay on the death of a farm owner is half the…

4 months ago

King Charles III’s failure to pay taxes and Prince Andrew’s eviction. Review by Masha Slonim

Scandals in the royal family are nothing new. Recently, the whole world watched the complicated relationship between the brothers -…

4 months ago

Masha Slonim – on the Salisbury poisoning and new public hearings on the case

The purpose of these public hearings is to get to the bottom of the circumstances surrounding the death of Dawn…

5 months ago

Low ratings, Starmer’s reservations and dim hopes. Masha Slonim – on the results of the Labor Party Congress

On the eve of the congress, a scandal erupted over the "gifts" (freebies) that Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria…

6 months ago

“Expectations are reality.” Masha Slonim – on taxes, migration and other government plans

Even the Conservatives themselves, including members of the government, recognize that, as one minister put it, "the results will exceed…

9 months ago

Sunak and Starmer debates, Farage’s return and politicians’ promises – Masha Slonim’s review

The televised debate between the leaders of the two main parties, Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, was not a…

9 months ago

“A Question of Semantics”: Masha Slonim on why British police are inactive at radical pro-Palestinian rallies

"British Jews are afraid to appear on the streets of London and other cities." Not only residents of neighborhoods with…

1 year ago

Conflict between Israel and Palestine: Masha Slonim on how the BBC is losing the trust of its viewers

Rishi Sunak, speaking in Israel during his visit and clearly paraphrasing Churchill, said: "I am proud to stand with you…

1 year ago