BGUK_2130441 - Los Angeles, CA - Prince Harry says Diana was 'chased to death while in a relationship with someone who wasn't white' as his AppleTV+ show with Oprah on mental health drops early. In the first episode of his new show The Me You Can't See, Harry also says his family tried to prevent him and Megan from leaving when she was suicidal. In the candid interview with Oprah, he said he felt trapped at the palace and went through a drinking and drug phase in his 30s. He said he had to go to therapy and felt like history was repeating itself. Harry also spoke about his mother Diana's death in 1997. "History was repeating itself,' he said. "My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white. And now look what’s happened. It’s incredibly triggering to potentially lose another woman in my life. Like, the list is growing. And it all comes back to the same people, the same business model, the same industry." The Prince also discusses his failure to process the grief from the death of his mother; the helplessness he felt to protect her; his dependence on drugs and alcohol to numb the pain; his anxiety and sense of being trapped in the palace; his family's refusal to help when Megan felt suicidal and how therapy helped him 'break the cycle'. "For me, therapy has equipped me to be able to take on anything,' he said. "Eventually when I made that decision for my family, I was still told: ‘You can’t do this'. And it’s like: ‘Well how bad does it have to get until I am allowed to do this?’ She [Markle] was going to end her life. It shouldn’t have to get to that." When asked if he has any regrets, he says it is not taking a stand earlier in his relationship with Markle. In a later episode of the show, Harry says one of son Archie's first words was 'grandma'. "It's the sweetest thing, but at the same time, it makes me really sad because she should be here," Harry said. According to Harry, a photo of his late moth
Герцог Сассекский прошел личный сеанс терапии и откровенно рассказал о собственных проблемах с психическим здоровьем, отношении его семьи к этой теме, а также поделился травматическими воспоминаниями из детства. Принц Гарри заявил, что он и герцогиня Сассекская подверглись настоящему харассменту в социальных сетях, что заставило их чувствовать себя «совершенно беспомощными». Сначала он полагался на помощь семьи, но «каждая просьба, запрос или предупреждение встречались полным молчанием или пренебрежением».
«Мы потратили четыре года, пытаясь сделать так, чтобы все это работало. Мы сделали все, что было в наших силах, чтобы остаться и продолжать выполнять свою работу», – сказал герцог.
Конечно, беседа коснулась и смерти матери Гарри, принцессы Дианы. По словам герцога, его семья не говорила о случившемся и позволила ему самому разбираться с прессой и папарацци.
«Во мне чертовски много моей мамы. Единственный способ освободиться и вырваться наружу – сказать правду», – заявил принц Гарри.
Источник: The Guardian
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