— Do you know why Taras Stepanovich didn’t show up at work this morning?— His wife found out he was cheating on her and kicked him in the bollocks. He is not feeling particularly well today.
— Vladimir Sergeevich, you just stepped into dog’s poop.— Bollocks!
— Private Petrov, you are letting hot tin spill onto the back of your comrade.— Bollocks! Sorry about that!
— Pavel Ignat’evich, just a warning, I am going to put NTV on. My favourite program is coming up.— No! I can’t listen to this bollocks anymore. Turn this shit off!
— Naden’ka, have you heard the latest Mashina Vremeni album?— Loved it! Mashina Vremeni is the dog’s bollocks! Never disappoints.
— Mum!— Yes, Sashenka?— Thanks so much for the dinner. Your borscht is the bollocks! I don’t know how you manage to make it so yummy.
— Do you know why Taras Stepanovich didn’t show up at work this morning?— His wife found out he was cheating on her and gave him a proper bollocking. He felt chest pains and had to take а validol! I think he is still recovering today.
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